Monday 21 May 2012

December '10

Hmmmmm went to Europe, not so fun yet not so interesting. Here some photos..

Moulin Rouge 


November '10

Aduuuuh engga tau yah, so many things happened in this month :(:(:( Nyenengin bgt tapi lama2 sedih, sampai akhirnya gw berhasil melupakan. Cie gituh


Oh.. My.. God.

It's been so long since the last time I post. Ada beberapa alasan: pertama karena lupa terus password nya, kedua karena.. terlalu seru sama kehidupan SMA mungkin. Karena inget bgt terakhir nge post lagi masa-masa transisi dari Tarki ke BM hehe :) Hari ini gw gak masuk sekolah dengan alasan tadi nya sakit tapi ternyata udah menyembuh (menyembuh?!) then suddenly "OMG I have a blog, why don't we post something on it" terus gw coba-coba sign in dan finally berhasil! Yeay for me.
Ok the last time gw nge-blog (asik berasa blogger sejati bgt padahal posting jg baru brp kali) itu kan oct '10 ya, wow!! like seriously udah hampir 2 tahun aja sodara-sodara. Lama kali maktua. Gw mau mencoba menceritakan ada apa aja yg terjadi semenjak oct '10 tersebut, sejenis momen-momen hebat yg terjadi dalam hidup gw.

Lanjut post selanjutnya aja yeh biar banyakan dikit posting gueeeee hahaha



Friday 8 October 2010

3:36 AM

mumpung yg tau blog ini cuman dinna dan jelita.. jadi ya sekali2 bisa lah jadi teman malam untuk bercerita2. hahhahahahahhaha gj ye intinye geweh kaga bisah tedor jek. sorry sorry sorry jek, night lv u all ^_^

Went to Oenpao

This is Dinna, and this is when we spend our time at Oenpao. Friday night, I'm available so does she.. Playing smoking eating chatting laughing all night long. xoxo (read: english indo version, so sorry)

Sunday 12 September 2010


"I don't care enough about her either way to ascribe hateful or wonderful attributes to her, but she is smokin' hot!"

"Angelina Jolie KICKS Megan Fox's ASS"

"Her lips looked swollen and crushed, for the most part, I think they do give her a unique look, and they look okay, but I really don't see the big deal."

Kissing you..

Pride can stand a thousand trials,
the strong will never fall
But watching stars without you,
my soul cried.
Heaving heart is full of pain,
oh, oh, the aching.
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you, oh.
Touch me deep, pure and true,
gift to me forever
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you, oh.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
'Cause I'm kissing you.
I'm kissing you, oh.